
European programs

The main aim of this project is to improve the work environment at MIK-BG EOOD by providing good and safe labour conditions, as well as effective and flexible forms for labour organization and human resource management. In order to achieve this aim, the company has envisages a set of measures intended to enhance healthy and safe working conditions: introducing improvements in the field of work ergonomics; improving fire safety conditions; improving lighting at the workplace and manual work related to lifting heavy objects; improving protection from non-beneficial microclimate and production dust in the work premises. In addition, the project envisages training workers and employees about specific health risks related to the individual work place, as well as the methods and means to curb and prevent them. Last, but not least, human resource management and development will be optimized, and so will be the work processes, by means of introducing flexible working hours and practices for prolonging the professional life of employees aged over 54 years. As a result of the project implementation, it is expected to achieve an overall reduction of risks related to health and occupational safety, in particular reducing the threat of locomotive ailments, fire resulting from negligence and the inaccurate use of facilities, occupational traumas resulting from direct or indirect lightning, traumas and professional ailments, damage to muscles and joints, respiratory and lung diseases. As a result of the improved health and occupational safety conditions and improving the work environment at the company, MIK-BG EOOD will become a more attractive company to current and future employees. Renewing the social benefits to employees will improve the company’s social image, as well as the satisfaction of its staff.